10 Steps to Grow Your Busine… erm, Charity

I just came across this article on growing your business.

I think it’s helpful, even for charity management…


The 10 DIY Steps to Growing Your Business

So your business is going great, revenues are somewhere between £500k and £3m, and being an entrepreneur you’d like to successfully grow it into something more substantial. How do you do it?

1. Plan. A business plan does not have to be complicated, sophisticated or long. Initially it’s a document for your own use, with your workings out detailing the sales revenues you realistically believe you can achieve and the cost structure necessary to generate and support that level of business. Remember, cash is king, so if your plan is in the form of a P&L, work out a cashflow forecast as well.

2. Strategise. What are you trying to achieve? Write it down in words. Not sure what to write: search the internet and look at other business’s strategies to get ideas for your own. What will success look like? How will you measure it? When you’ve done that, write subset strategies for each key business area e.g. marketing strategy, product strategy, customer service strategy, people strategy, each with their own measurements of success.

To read more, visit Wallace Burch’s blog on the 10 DIY Steps to Growing Your Business.